Why Childfree Diaries?

I’m Jen. I was starting to become so frustrated with the loud and frequent assertions and assumptions about how I should live my life that I decided to help support society changing in it’s expectations of women and the glorification of motherhood as the only possible route that makes a woman (not a man mind) complete.

Mostly I wanted to help others know you have a choice and you should do what is best for you, not what others tell you to do..! I have a full time job so don’t have a massive amount of time to perfect the website design so please forgive this 🙂

Walking an Alpine ridge at sunrise after a night in a mountain hut


So that’s the crux of it really. We’ve decided not to have kids. Wow does the world not get on board with this, despite the growing number of women who are choosing the same path. 

My parents tried hard to be non stereotyping of us and gave my brother and I a wide variety of toys, I was given the lego, the dolls and everything in between. The dolls didn’t get a look in. I spent most my time building bases and climbing trees in the wood next door. 

I always assumed I’d end up with children as I’d been conditioned like everyone else to assume that’s what people do. I never thought about kids names or anything other than how it would impact my life in a way I didn’t want so I put off any consideration of this future. After getting married, wow the assumptions came thick and fast, a work colleague told someone behind my back that I’d be on mat leave within 12 months.. 

So I finally started to pay attention and question what everyone was on about. And it was incredibly frustrating to see how as a women my life had been defined for me but not my partner of over a decade, just me. So I decided that society needed to change the way it views anyone who doesn’t follow the traditional relationship escalator of partner, marriage, house, kids or such like. Not everyone wants that and society needs to learn that that is perfectly fine, people need to be free to live the life that works for them.

However the pressure from every quarter can be overwhelming and I’m sure many women have become parents through pressure from family and society at large rather than because that is what they truly want. Hence this website. This is me, this is how I live and how I am, against what you have always been told, very relieved I will not be having children. 

Do what is right for you.